Beter Eten
Albert Heijn aims to make better food accessible to everyone. The podcast 'Beter Eten' ('Better Eating') adds an extra substantive layer to this long-running program.

- Strategy
- Concept
- Production
- Distribution
As it is not always easy for consumers to make the right food choices, we developed a podcast for Albert Heijn that offers listeners practical and surprising insights in an appealing way.
Under the name of 'Beter Eten' ('Better Eating'), Albert Heijn has developed a program aimed at contributing to today's important societal challenges. Helping people adopt a healthy lifestyle, promoting social cohesion, and making sustainable choices: food and drink play a significant role in all these issues.
Albert Heijn is actively involved in various initiatives to make a structural contribution to these issues. As the supermarket chain fills more than 6 million plates daily in the Netherlands and Flanders, it can genuinely make an impact.
Within the Beter Eten program, Albert Heijn sought a way to give consumers more insight into nutrition. Although there is a lot of information available, especially online, it is not easy to make the right choices. What is healthy? And what is not?
This information needed to be attractive and accessible to a broad audience since a large part of the Netherlands visits the supermarket.
Big idea.
A podcast is highly suitable for providing extensive and nuanced information about a topic. The medium also served as a good complement to the other activities and channels of the Better Eating program.
To further substantiate this program, we chose a podcast with the same title. Each episode of the podcast starts with an intriguing question about nutrition, after which the host is going on a quest for answers. We end up in surprising locations, such as a football club with a plant-based diet or a gluten-free bakery. Additionally, we speak with about two to three different experts per episode who offer their surprising perspectives on nutrition. This approach combines new insights with practical and easily applicable tips.
Comedian, journalist, and documentary maker Yora Rienstra is the host and ensures that the series as a whole has an accessible tone of voice.
The series is fully integrated into the Beter Eten program and is, for instance, mentioned in Albert Heijn's Sustainability Report. The podcast underscores the company's commitment to its objectives.
Through various own channels and the use of paid media, tens of thousands of listeners have gained more insight into nutrition and enjoyed listening to episodes about topics such as gluten, vegan eating, and fat. This is evident from the number of downloads, but also from qualitative metrics: the high listening and consumption ratios and the ratings in podcast apps. The podcast reached a top position in the overall charts and was the most listened-to food podcast in the Netherlands for weeks.
In collaboration with: Dentsu (media).