Komt Een Mens Bij De Dokter
Intimate stories from the doctor's office of people who don't get the healthcare they actually need.

- Strategy
- Concept
- Production podcast
- Distribution strategy
- Media buying
The Alliance Customized Healthcare is committed to providing everyone with the healthcare they need, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. To add an extra layer of content to the online campaign 'Komt Een Mens Bij de Dokter' ('A Person Comes to the Docter'), the alliance looked for a suitable way to tell stories about personal experiences from inside the consultation room. A podcast turned out to be the medium to bring these intimate stories into the limelight.
Advertising agency KesselsKramer developed the online campaign 'Komt Een Mens Bij de Dokter' for the Alliance Customized Healthcare. The goal: to make it clear to healthcare professionals, and the public, that every person is different and needs another type of healthcare - something that cannot be taken for granted because of shame and ignorance. Stories about personal experiences play an important role in this campaign, because it demonstrates the need for a change in mentality. In addition to articles and facts, shared on a campaign website, there was a need for content that offered more depth and at the same time made a real impact.
Big idea.
In the show Komt Een Mens Bij De Dokter ('A Person Comes To The Doctor') experts by experience share their personal stories. For example, a transgender who encounters incomprehension with the GP. Or someone who is struggling with ADHD without being diagnosed. For these intimate stories, a podcast appears to be a 'safe place': unlike video, for example, the interviewees can tell their stories fairly anonymously. At the same time, this is a 'patient medium' where there is room for longer stories, with lots of nuances and details. The extensive interviews are structured, based upon a thought-out script. A host provides context and explanation. This all helps to create episodes that stick and that convey the message of how important it is that everyone gets the care he or she needs.
The campaign, to which the podcast is a part of, has generated double the number of impressions and site visits than planned. This also led to an above-expected high number of listening minutes for the podcast - and an above-average consumption rate. Komt Een Mens Bij De Dokter also held top positions in the charts, within the categories Health and Sexuality - even long after promotion stopped. On a personal level, the episodes appear to have a lot of impact: the organizations that are part of the Customized Healthcare Alliance (Women INC, Rutgers, and COC) have received countless thanks from people who feel supported by the podcast. For that reason, new episodes with stories from the consultation room are produced on a structural basis now.
In collaboration with: Lab-3 (music & audio production), Angelique Houtveen (host & interviews),
Siska Mulder (interviews & scripts)
Nr. 1
In the category Sexuality
Gemiddeld percentage dat beluisterd wordt
Percentage van de luisteraars dat zich abonneert op de podcast
Komt een mens bij de dokter
Ik vind het interessant en ik wacht elke keer weer op een nieuwe
Nina en haar ADHD
Heel herkenbaar en heel goed dat er aandacht is voor adhd en vrouwen. Want dat wordt echt anders gezien.
Geeft inzicht
Het is ontzettend nodig dat deze verhalen worden verteld. Het geeft inzicht in de blinde vlekken die wij (en de medische wereld in het bijzonder) hebben.