Plan B
A podcast by the National Postcode Lottery, in which singer Nick Schilder goes in search of a sustainable life.

- Strategy
- Concept
- Production podcast
With the podcast Plan B, the National Postcode Lottery shows listeners in an inspiring way that making sustainable choices does not have to be complicated. The lottery thus adds an extra substantive layer to its communication.
The National Postcode Lottery supports charities that contribute to a green and just world for more than 30 years. A large part of the revenue generated from lottery sales is donated to various organizations worldwide. In 2022 this was more than 7 billion euros in total.
In order to be able to make these donations, the sale of lottery tickets is of course essential. For that reason, most communication from the lottery is aimed at the sale of lottery tickets.
As a result, the story about the company's mission gets less attention. While the fact that the National Postcode Lottery makes a valuable contribution to a better world, can be an important consideration for consumers to join the lottery. Because, as a participant you not only have a chance to win prizes, you also indirectly support charities.
Big idea.
Within the media mix of the National Postcode Lottery, there isn't a medium that offers in-depth information. A podcast was therefore seen as a valuable addition to give background on what the lottery does and stands for.
To come up with an effective format, we defined a strategic framework for the podcast. One of the key elements was to appeal to a wide audience with the format since the lottery focuses on the whole of the Netherlands.
One of the other principles was that the podcast should not be preachy. It was supposed to stimulate consumers to make sustainable choices but in a light-hearted way. Besides, it was important to show how people can change their routines in an easy way.
We asked local celebrity Nick Schilder for being the host of Plan B. He appeals to a wide audience, and, even more important: based on his own interest, he has been researching for some time how he can live more sustainably.
Each episode starts in Nick's personal environment. What kind of food is in the fridge? How much plastic is in the waste bin? He then wonders whether things can be done differently - and above all: more sustainably. This is the start of a quest that brings him into contact with experts and people who practice a sustainable lifestyle.
Nick shows the dilemma of modern consumers. In many cases, they would like to make sustainable choices but often find that difficult - especially if major sacrifices are required. Nick articulates the dilemmas, allowing listeners to identify with him.
In the six-part series with half-hour episodes, we explore a new theme per episode, such as holidays, waste, or food. This storytelling podcast combines interviews, reports, and Nick Schilder as a narrator.
In collaboration with: Earforce (audio production & music), Jaap Kwakman (leader), Nick Schilder (host)
The Outcome.
By giving Nick Schilder a central role in the podcast, the release of Plan B got national media exposure. Nick was invited to various radio and television programs, including a popular late-night show (approx. 1 million viewers).
Plan B immediately reached a position in the top 10 of the Dutch podcast charts. In the subcategory 'Nature', this is the most listened-to podcast in the Netherlands since its release.
Listeners almost unanimously rate Plan B positively: 4.5 stars in Apple Podcasts. In addition, listeners via social media, among other things, let the National Postcode Lottery know that they appreciate the podcast very much. The high consumption ratio of Plan B underlines that: on average 90 percent of an episode is listened to.
Nr. 8
In the top 10 from the Netherlands
90 %
Consumption ratio
4,5 ☆☆☆☆☆
Positive reviews from press and listeners
Iets wat ons allemaal een beetje bezig houdt maar 'ver van mijn bed show' lijkt. Nick brengt het dichterbij en daardoor worden de stapjes kleiner om daadwerkelijk een kleine bijdrage te leveren aan dit grote probleem.
Most listened-to podcast in subcategory Nature
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