
  1. Concept
  2. Scripting
  3. Collab with Ace labels Content Icons & Blauw Gras

Iris Enthoven and Niels Oosthoek philosophise about the future of their wallets.

The world is changing faster and faster and we are getting older. So how do you make sure you can still afford what you need later on? Do we actually think about our future enough?

Iris and Niels have known each other since they started earning their own money. In this podcast, they unabashedly philosophise about the future, and what it all means for your wallet, using exciting dilemmas.

For example, can you get rich with a Chanel bag? With which character traits are you assured of a successful future? And how do we keep the world sustainable and livable while the global population grows exponentially?

Conversation to the future is offered to you by pension fund ABP. Are you ready for your future? Find out how to arrange your future smartly on

Listen and watch the podcast on Spotify

Snippets of the episodes can also be watched on the TikTok-channel of 'Gesprek yo the Future'

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Schermafbeelding 2024 03 22 om 11 45 13
Schermafbeelding 2024 03 22 om 11 45 59